15 Morning Sickness Remedies that work

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Morning sickness remedies


Morning Sickness Remedies


If you’re reading this, I’m betting you’ve had your fair share of run-ins with the infamous morning sickness, especially during those rollercoaster first-trimester rides. I’m right there with you and trust me, I know exactly how it feels. That overwhelming wave of nausea that doesn’t care if it’s morning, noon, or night – it just hits when it wants to.


Understanding Morning Sickness:

Morning sickness can be one heck of a journey during your pregnancy journey. It’s like your body’s secret way of testing your mettle, making you question your favorite foods, and occasionally, making you wonder if your stomach has forgotten its usual contents. But hold tight; you’re not alone, and there’s a ray of hope in the form of remedies to help us brave this not-so-pleasant pregnancy symptom.

Morning sickness, for many of us, is a rite of passage into motherhood. It’s a term that describes the nausea and vomiting that often accompanies pregnancy, typically during the first trimester. But here’s the kicker – it doesn’t always limit itself to mornings. Nope, it’s an all-day, every-day kind of companion. For some, it’s a mild annoyance, while for others, it can be quite debilitating.

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Why the First Trimester?

Now, you might wonder, “Why does morning sickness even exist, and why is it so fond of the first trimester?” Well, science has some answers, but let me share them in a way that’s more heartfelt and relatable.

Morning sickness is thought to be a result of the hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy, particularly the surge in human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and estrogen. These hormones are like the conductors of an intricate symphony that is your pregnancy. They’re responsible for the growth of your baby, the development of the placenta, and, yes, those sometimes pesky symptoms.

You see, these hormonal fluctuations can do some peculiar things to your body. They can irritate your stomach lining, make you hypersensitive to certain smells (cue the sudden aversion to your favorite foods), and throw your digestion for a loop. All of this is essentially your body’s way of ensuring that you’re taking care of the tiny life growing inside you.

Morning Sickness Remedies :

Now, let’s talk about the real deal here. Morning sickness isn’t just about feeling queasy; it’s about understanding that your body is doing something incredibly remarkable – nurturing a tiny life. So, together, let’s dive into some practical, down-to-earth remedies that can provide the much-needed relief we all deserve.

  1. Ginger All the Way:

You’ve probably heard this one a million times, and there’s a reason for that. Ginger is a natural remedy that has been proven to reduce nausea. Try ginger tea, ginger candies, ginger snaps, gingerbread or ginger chews. My personal favorite has been GIN GINS Ginger Chews and Yogi Ginger Tea.

  1. Small, Frequent Meals:

Say goodbye to the traditional three square meals a day. Instead, opt for smaller, more frequent meals. An empty stomach can often trigger morning sickness, so keep those snacks handy. Keep eating small portions at every 2-3 hours.

  1. Keep Crackers by Your Bed:

Before you even think about getting out of bed in the morning, nibble on some plain crackers. It can help settle your stomach and stave off that early morning nausea. My favorites are: Back to Nature Crackers, and Premium Saltine Crackers but any salted crackers would do the trick.

  1. Hydration is Key:

Dehydration can worsen nausea, so ensure you’re sipping fluids throughout the day. If plain water is unappealing, try infused water with slices of cucumber or lemon. Ice chips can also be a lifesaver.

  1. Vitamin B6 Supplements:

Sometimes, your body needs a little extra help. Vitamin B6 supplements, when recommended by your healthcare provider, can significantly reduce morning sickness.

  1. Sea Bands:

You may have seen these bands with pressure points at the drugstore. They’re called acupressure bands, and some women find them incredibly helpful in alleviating nausea. Personally, it didn’t work for me but worked for a few.

  1. Aromatherapy:

Scents can play a big role in how you feel. Aromatherapy using essential oils like peppermint, lavender, or lemon can help ease nausea. Just be sure to use them in well-ventilated areas.

  1. Fresh Air:

Sometimes, simply stepping outside for a breath of fresh air can make a world of difference. Take a short stroll, even if it’s just around your yard or balcony.

  1. Avoid Trigger Foods:

Each of us has unique food triggers that can exacerbate nausea. For me, it was the smell of eggs . Identify your triggers and steer clear of them.

  1. Opt for Cold Foods:

Hot foods often have stronger smells, which can intensify morning sickness. Try colder foods like salads, yogurt, and smoothies to reduce odor-related nausea.

  1. Stay Away from Strong Odors:

The world suddenly becomes a sea of strong smells when you’re pregnant. Avoid areas with potent odors, and if you can’t, carry a small sachet of lavender or lemon with you. You can also keep a piece of cardamom, chewing gum, or mint leaves in your mouth in places where there are strong odors.

  1. Prenatal Vitamins at Night:

Sometimes, prenatal vitamins can trigger nausea. Try taking them before bedtime, so you sleep through any potential side effects. If you can’t have the regular prenatal capsules, switch to Prenatal gummies like Smarty Pants Gummies or VitaFusion Gummy vitamins.

  1. Minty Magic:

Minty candies or teas can provide a refreshing and soothing sensation that can help with nausea. Plus, who doesn’t love a good mint? You can always try Yogi Peppermint Tea or Twinings Pure Peppermint Tea.

  1. Start your day with a Banana:

I started my day with half a banana in the morning. That provided me with an immediate energy boost while also helping to prevent acidity, which can occasionally be triggered by morning sickness.

  1. Rest and Relaxation:

Fatigue can make morning sickness worse. Ensure you’re getting enough rest and prioritize relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation.


As we’ve explored these remedies together, I hope you’ve found some that resonate with you, offering relief on those challenging days. And if some days still feel tough, that’s perfectly okay too. Remember that you are not alone on this journey. Many of us have walked this path before, and we’re here to support and uplift you. But if it gets really bad that you are not able to eat anything, always contact your healthcare provider as they are the ultimate guide in this journey for you.


So, to all you incredible moms-to-be, I applaud your strength, your resilience, and your boundless love. Morning sickness, as challenging as it may be, is just one chapter in your unique pregnancy story. Believe me, it’s a story that’s filled with love, hope, and the promise of a new life. Embrace each moment, cherish every milestone, and trust that this journey is leading you to a beautiful destination.


I’ve been through it, I know how it feels, and I promise you, it ends sooner than you think. Your journey is a testament to your strength, and your baby is the greatest reward. You’ve got this, mama, and I can’t wait for you to meet the incredible little human you’re bringing into this world.

 Don’t forget to read my blog on 25 Healthy Snacks for Pregnancy Cravings.







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