15 Pregnancy Symptoms Before A Missed Period

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Pregnancy Symptom

Learn about early pregnancy symptoms before a missed period. Understand the signs and changes that may indicate you’re expecting.

If you’ve ever found yourself frantically searching “early pregnancy symptoms” well before your expected period, rest assured you’re not alone in this impatient waiting game. It can feel like an eternity when you eagerly hope to start or expand your family. It’s funny how our bodies can suddenly start sending mysterious signals, leaving us wondering, “Could this be it?” And trust me, if you dwell on it too much, you’ll start connecting every little hiccup and flutter to pregnancy. But strangely enough, it’s often when you’re not obsessing over it that your body decides to drop some real hints.


Pregnancy is a profoundly personal journey; no two experiences are the same. Some fortunate souls sail through without any noticeable symptoms, while others experience a hell of a lot of changes. If you find yourself not experiencing these signals, there’s no need for concern. Your journey to parenthood may take a different route.

In my own journey, after numerous attempts, the month I finally conceived, I noticed the most conspicuous sign was a faint, light brown-reddish stain on my 11th day past ovulation (DPO). This is commonly referred to as implantation bleeding, and it’s often one of the first signs. You read a lot about it but when you actually see it, you wonder is this how it is? I hope it’s not a sign of my periods etc.

Additionally, I felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion following the end of my ovulation period. My fatigue levels soared to the point where even a one-mile walk left me breathless, despite my usual routine of daily three-mile walks.

Food aversions also made a sudden appearance. I, a lover of all things spicy, found myself bloated and experiencing stomach discomfort after indulging in my beloved spicy dishes. And oh, the mood swings! They kicked in around the 12th DPO, wreaking havoc on my emotional state.

Naturally, I was cautious and didn’t want to experience another disappointment. I opted to wait until after my expected period date before taking a pregnancy test. When the day finally arrived, I nervously used my Pregnancy Test Kits, and the moment I saw those two lines confirming my pregnancy, tears of happiness flowed uncontrollably. I couldn’t tell if it was shock, joy, or sheer surprise, but those were the unmistakable symptoms of the extraordinary journey to motherhood that had just begun.

Let’s look at other symptoms that usually women feel and you could feel the same.

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  1. The Sneaky Fatigue:

    Ever felt like you just ran a marathon after climbing a flight of stairs or walked a mile? That’s the fatigue most early moms-to-be experience. Your body is working overtime, and it’s a sign that a tiny miracle might be in the making. I experienced a lot after my ovulation ended.

  2. Mysterious Mood Swings:

    Your emotions are on a rollercoaster, and you’re not even at the theme park. Irritability, weepiness, and unexplained bursts of joy can all make an appearance. Every small topic can feel like the world has ended. Blame it on the hormonal dance happening inside. It’s not in your control. I was in emotional havoc from 12DPO onwards. My husband couldn’t figure out, neither did I why I was crying for every tiny thing about not putting clothes in the laundry ..haha

  3. Tender Tale of the Breasts:

    The breast suddenly feels so sore or ultra-sensitive that touching it during the shower itself can cause a lot of pain.

  4. Slight Spotting:

    Sometimes, a bit of spotting can occur when the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining. It’s called implantation bleeding, and while it’s not a guarantee, it’s one of those intriguing early signs. Mine occurred during 11DPO. It was a dull brownish-red color with slight spotting. Usually, this occurs around 10-14 DPO for most women.

  5. Vaginal Discharge :

    Sometimes, you will also see white vaginal discharge from 8 DPO onwards that you will feel like wearing a panty liner. It will be like a thick mucosus.

  6. Bathroom Breaks:

    If you suddenly find yourself rushing to the restroom more often, it’s not just your imagination. Increased urination can be an early sign of pregnancy as your body produces more blood, and your kidneys work harder

  7. Weird Food Cravings or Aversions:

    Pickles and ice cream at 2 a.m.? That classic pregnancy stereotype may hold some truth. Your taste buds can go on a wild adventure, embracing cravings you never had before or shunning once-beloved foods. Instead of having a craving I had a food aversion to spicy food. Being a lover of spicy cuisines, having an aversion to it felt weird to me. It caused me gas, bloating, and stomach camps. Started getting these from 11 DPO..

  8. Temperature Tango:

    Some women track their basal body temperature and notice a sustained elevated level after ovulation. If it stays up, it could be a sign of pregnancy.

  9. The Telltale Bloating:

    That “I-feel-like-I-ate-a-watermelon” sensation in your belly? It’s not just extra carbs; it’s your body’s way of preparing for the baby’s needs. Your stomach is always bloated despite eating not much.

  10. Low Back Aces :

    Oh, those tricky hormones! They have a way of stirring up quite a commotion. Low back pain can indeed manifest as one of the early signs of pregnancy. Without even working out much, having low back aces seemed weird to me. At first, I felt, that maybe its time to change my mattress. Sleep became tough during the night because of these pains and needed a back pain roll-on to help with sleeping.

  11. Heightened Sense of Smell:

    Did your partner’s cologne suddenly become too intense? Welcome to the world of a heightened sense of smell. Those pregnancy hormones can turn your sniffer into a detective on the hunt.

  12. Mild Cramping:

    Sometimes, early pregnancy can bring mild uterine cramping, often described as feeling like menstrual cramps. This happens around 11-14DPO and confuses everyone. This happens during pregnancy. This is one of the most confusing symptoms of pregnancy which I don’t count on.

  13. Headaches:

    Due to the surge of hormones, your body can feel everyday headaches. I started getting these as soon as I woke up from 12 DPO onwards despite sleeping on time. A handful of Almonds or a cup of tea/caffeine helped me get through it. I still feel these during my pregnancy. 

  14. Dizziness:

    This can be attributed to dilating blood vessels and dropping blood pressure. You may feel some fainting or dizziness while taking a shower or even when you are just looking at the mirror. Be careful and sit down wherever when you start feeling this.

  15. Intuition:

    Believe it or not, you just feel it. You just know it when it really happens. When you keep trying every month, hope is one factor that you start losing but the month the magic of conceiving occurs, all the hope, symptoms, and intuition starts becoming strong.

Whether these gentle signals from your body have made themselves known to you or are still hiding in the wings, the road to motherhood is an incredible voyage. It’s a journey brimming with joy, excitement, and, of course, the occasional delightful surprise. Each symptom, every sensation, is a piece of your personal puzzle as you walk the path toward welcoming a precious new life into your world. Remember, these are just symptoms.

The dreading part is the day when you actually check it. I have shared the list of Pregnancy Test Kits in my other blog.

So, whether you’re experiencing those telltale signs or awaiting the magic moment, embrace this journey with open arms and an open heart. It’s the beginning of a beautiful adventure, and the best is yet to come.




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